βαρέα [2 verses]] (adj pl neut nom) "Heavy" is barys, which means "heavy in weight," "heavy of strength and force," "heavy with age, infirmity or suffering," "pregnant," "heavy, slow," "heavy to bear," "grievous," "burdensome," "oppressive," "causing disgust," "unwholesome," of persons, "severe," "stern," "wearisome," "troublesome," "overbearing," of sound, "strong," "deep," "bass," of smell, "strong," and "offensive." - The Greek word translated as "heavy" (used by Jesus in two verses) means "heavy in weight," "heavy with age, infirmity or suffering," "grievous," "oppressive," "causing disgust," and many other negative ideas. This negativity comes from the idea that negative things fall to earth and positive ones fly to the heavens. Its only positive meaning is "pregnant."