(1 verse]( part sg pres act masc nom ) "Agree" or "settle" could be eunoeo (εὐνοέω), which means "to be well-inclined", "to be favorable", "to be kindly", "to be friendly", "to be liked," and "to be affectionately treated." This form is both the present participle and the adjective. Or (part sg fut act masc nom) "Agree" could also be from eunao, meaning "to lay in ambush," "to lay or lull to sleep" and "to be bedded with." The "bedded with" takes a dative, which is the form of the next word. -- "Agree "is another verb Jesus only uses once. It could be the participle of two different verbs. the first means "to be well-inclined", and "to be friendly.""agreeing" or "befriending." However, it is also a verb that means "to lay in ambush," "to lay or lull to sleep" and "to be bedded with." The "bedded with" takes a dative, which is the form of the next word translated as "adversary." The sense seems to combine the two word in a double entendre be "seducing" or "seductive."