
αὐτοὶ [32 verses](pron/adj pl masc nom) "Ourselves" is autoi. the nominative case of the third-person, plural adjective that means "themselves," "ourselves," "yourselves," "the same," "one's true self," and "the soul" as opposed to the body. It also means "of one's own accord."  While other forms of this word are used as pronouns, this form is used for emphasis, since the subject pronoun is part of the verb. -- they -- This is from the third-person, plural form of the verb. - missing "themselves" -- (MW)   "Themselves" is the nominative case of the third-person, plural adjective that means "themselves," "ourselves,""yourselves," "the same," "one's true self," and "the soul" as opposed to the body. While other forms of this word are used as pronouns, this form is used for emphasis, since the subject pronoun is part of the verb. Without a verb, the sense is "they are." -- MW -- Missing Word -- This subject pronoun duplicates information in the verb so it needs a "themselves" after "they" for emphasis.

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